Who we are
The department was first founded in 1954 as the “Department of Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases” at the Medical Faculty of the Mongolian State University, and Namsraijav.D was named as the first chairman. In 1957, the Department was restructured and changed its name as the Department of Pediatric Disorders, and was headed by Tserendash.Ts. In 1961, Pediatric Treatment Faculty was established, which was one of four basic faculties of the Mongolian State Medical Institute, consisting of two subdivisions; Pediatric diagnosis, and Pediatric Research and Treatment. In 1965, two divisions were merged into the Department of Pediatric Disorders, and Gendenjamts.N, MD, Ph.D., an honored doctor, WHO Children’s Fund Award, served as chairman at that time. The Department of Pediatric Disorders II was branched out in 1979, and Luvsandagva.E, MD, Ph.D., an honored doctor, took over leadership. Since 1990, the Department was reunited as the current Department of Pediatrics and has continued its dedication to provide comprehensive, up-to-date, multidisciplinary and innovative knowledge for students, child health care professionals as well as scholars and advancing child health.
We run our activities based on three main sectors that educational programs at under- and postgraduate, graduate levels, clinical research and professional activities. In 2022-2023, we have 1 professor, 2 associate professors, 2 head teachers, 4 teachers, 4 training teachers, 5 contract teachers and 1 assistant working in our department. 7 of our teachers have PhD degree (1 in Kazakhstan, 3 in Japan) while 5 of them have Master’s degree.
Staff handbook
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We run undergraduate program for 4th, 5th and 6th year students from the School of Medicine and for students from the School of Public Health and the International School of Mongolian Medicine. Moreover, we run 2-year Pediatric residency and 3-6 months subspecialty fellowship programs. Between 1961 and 1971, a certain number of students were enrolled in pediatric classes every year6 However, the enrollment had not been carried out for the next 7 years. Then, the pediatric class had opened again and trained pediatricians from 1981 to 1984, but it had been closed in the following years. And from 2020, we re-launched enrollment for the pediatric classes. It surely will contribute to decrease the morbidity and mortality of children as well as to help children grow up healthy in the future.

So far, we have implemented the following projects successfully:
Preventing Diarrhea National Program (1999-2000),
Acute Respiratory Tract Infection Control Program (1990-2000),
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (2000-2023),
Breastfeeding promotion project
National Immunization Program
Neonatal Resuscitation Program
Adolescent Health and Development Program (2002-2020)
Perinatal Screening for Congenital Disorders
Early Neonatal Screening (2022-2023)

Founding of the “Department of Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases” at the Medical Faculty of the Mongolian State University in 1954 was the beginning of conducting clinical research and preparing doctors and teachers. From the end of 1960, numerous studies were done in pediatric pulmonology and it helped to decrease the causes of pediatric respiratory diseases and to implement new diagnosing and treatment guidelines with new technologies. Since then, our department has developed researches in all areas such as pediatric nephrology, pediatric cardiology, neonatology, pediatric ENT, pediatric endocrinology and etc. We have 5 PhD graduates in medical sciences, 39 PhD in medicine and 49 masters so far.

Clinical activities
Our consultant doctors, who worked at the National Center for Maternal and Child Health, now work at the inpatient and outpatient clinics at the Mongolian Japan Teaching Hospital. Also we have opened Early Neonatal Screening Center in February, 2023 with the support of UNICEF and Perkin Elmer Company in Finland.

International collaboration
We have been collaborating with over 30 clinics and medical universities from 18 countries since 1954. The followings are the some of our international relationships:
Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University, Korea since 1993
Department of Pediatrics, Korean University, Korea since 1993
Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of Irkutsk, Russia since 2002
“Yonn Rotary club” in Korea and “Niislel Rotary club in Ulaanbaatar since 2016
The International Society for Neonatal Screening since 2017
Sydney University, Mongolia since 2019
Koc University Hospital, Turkey since 2019