Fundamental of the ophthalmology training was settled by Russian ophthalmologist Bajenov A.S. at the Medical faculty of the Mongolian National University in 1946-1947 class year. Our teacher, first ophthalmologist Nyamaa Rinchen was one of the 13 doctors who graduated during this class year. The ophthalmology department was conducted by other large departments due to the small capacity of the ophthalmology training until 1995.
Main purpose
To develop and provide Ophthalmology care in order to navigate training, research, and medical service for people in need in Mongolia.
Staff handbook
Staff handbook

Pregraduate training
School of Medicine, Medical Doctor, School of Dentistry, Dentist, School of Mongolian Traditional Medicine, Traditional Medical Doctor, Student’s Lutea eye club
Postgraduate training
Ophthalmology residency training for 3 years and nurse training short course for 3-6 months is organizing successfully in our department. Also, master and Ph.D. student training programs are conducted. We have trained 11 Ph.D. students in our department and many students are studying.

International relations and collaboration
Our department is collaborating with the Ministry of Health, WHO, international non-profit organizations on National Eye Health Program ORBIS, Deseret International Charities, Surgical Eye Expedition (SEE), London University, International Center for Eye Health (ICEH), Juntendo University, Japan, Tokushima University, Japan, Hallym University, South Korea, Mahidol University, Thailand, ICEE, Australia

Bayasgalan Purevdorj, bayasgalan.p@mnums.edu.mn